Friday, May 6, 2005

Concentration Camps for Sex Offenders?

From News 9, Oklahoma City:

State Represenative Fred Morgan has been a major force behind strengthening sex offense laws in Oklahoma. He says sex offenders in one place may not be such a bad idea.

I grant you, this story is about a ministry in Oklahoma City that is trying to give a helping hand to convicted sex offenders. The ministry houses three offenders on their premises.

Once guys like this are no longer incarcerated, we no longer attempt to treat them. We require them to tell us where they are, register with the police, live with restricted freedoms, and all of that would be fine I suppose, if only we were making some REAL effort to keep these guys in counseling.

We don't. State Rep Fred Morgan says concentrating sex offenders in one place may not be such a bad idea. We can get them little patches, so we all know why they're there, and send them to a desolate place in Western Oklahoma where people won't have to see them.

Actually, I think something like this has been tried before.

Oh well, let's not let history corrupt our values.

-The Oklahoma Hippy

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