Impeachment Time: "Facts Were Fixed."
by Greg Palast
Here it is. The smoking gun. The memo that has, "IMPEACH HIM" written all over it.
The top-level government memo marked "SECRET AND STRICTLY PERSONAL," dated eight months before Bush sent us into Iraq, following a closed meeting with the President, reads, "Military action was now seen as inevitable. Bush wanted to remove Saddam through military action justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WDM. But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."
Read that again: "The intelligence and facts were being fixed...."
For years, after each damning report on BBC TV, "Isn't this grounds for impeachment?" Vote rigging, a blind eye to terror and the bin Ladens before 9-11, and so on. Evil, stupidity and self-dealing are shameful but not impeachable. What's needed is a "high crime or misdemeanor."
And if this ain't it, nothing is.
The memo, uncovered this week by the Times, goes on to describe an elaborate plan by George Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair to hoodwink the planet into supporting an attack on Iraq knowing full well the evidence for war was a phony.
A conspiracy to commit serial fraud is, under federal law, racketeering. However, the Mob's schemes never cost so many lives.
Find the rest here.
The fact is, this was a conspiracy of deception. It was immense in size and not very complicated. But, like all true conspiracies, the truth is coming out. Documents and witnesses will be exposed at an ever increasing rate until a final flood makes the picture so clear that the house of lies collapses.
There is a precedent for such events. It's called Watergate.
-The Oklahoma Hippy
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