Friday, February 18, 2005

Being eaten alive by Anderson Cooper...

"Jeff Gannon" is being fileted by Anderson Cooper. He doesn't have answers to basic questions. As soon as a transcript is available, I will post it here.

He's clearly covering for someone. Otherwise he would be able to answer a question as simple as, "when was the first time you were published as a journalist?"

"Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make your personal life fair game... Why should my past prevent me from having a future?"

Wow. Well, that's certainly a convienent argument to use now, but again, it's a straw man argument. The problem is he was put into the White House wihtout a background check. He used a false name. He worked for a fake news service. He was a formal male prostitute with no journalistic training other than Morton C. Blackwell's two day seminar. (A seminar that taught him conservative activism.) Once there all he did was lob softballs at the Press Secretary and occasionally the President, or take white house press releases and publish them as news.

It's time for another Joe Conason refresher.

Imagine the media explosion if a male escort had been discovered operating as a correspondent in the Clinton White House. Imagine that he was paid by an outfit owned by Arkansas Democrats and had been trained in journalism by James Carville. Imagine that this gentleman had been cultivated and called upon by Mike McCurry or Joe Lockhart—or by President Clinton himself. Imagine that this "journalist" had smeared a Republican Presidential candidate and had previously claimed access to classified documents in a national-security scandal.

Then imagine the constant screaming on radio, on television, on Capitol Hill, in the Washington press corps—and listen to the placid mumbling of the "liberal" media now.

-The Oklahoma Hippy

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