Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Chinese Cinema...

Ok... I am becoming a huge fan of Chinese Cinema. Hero was amazing, though it was propaganda.

So now I have a recommendation for all of you. This one is propaganda free and it is a beautiful movie.

It's called The Road Home.

From IMDB:

City businessman Luo Yusheng returns to his home village in North China for the funeral of his father, the village teacher. He finds his elderly mother insisting that all the traditional burial customs be observed, despite the fact that times have changed so much. Yusheng realizes that his mother's wishes must be respected.

This doesn't come anywhere close to doing this movie justice. Go. Watch. Now.

-The Oklahoma Hippy

1 comment:

  1. why was hero propaganda?

    I think it reflects a general Eastern Asian cultural mentality (albeit with lots of colors). In Korea, when they refer to themselves, their country, or their language, it is "our people", "Our country", and "our language." I remember when I went to Korea, speaking Korean, I called Korea, "korea". Then my elders corrected me. "It is 'our country'". And then they were like, "Oh, right. Your the Yankee Dooddle Dandee in the family."

    Then they decried the US occupation of their country and how S. Korea has become another Vietnam quagmire. HA. Just kidding.

    I thought Hero was interesting because I didn't realize that people in China referred to their country in the same way as Koreans do.
