Wednesday, February 2, 2005

State of the Union real time thoughts...

The Purple Finger Thing... Sieg Heil!

Clear Skies Legislation? We changed the way we measure pollution so we record less of it. I don't think people are going to get healthier.

Less dependent on foreign energy... Right. He wants to drill ANWAR but won't tell the Saudis to piss off...

Tax System... When the president said "Fair to All" he meant rich people.

Immigration... The President wants temporary guest workers! From Mexico. He just wants to be able to kick them out when he's done.

We must honor Social Security... By dismantling it!

The system is only headed towards bankruptcy using Enron style accounting.

Denny Hastert looks like he crapped his pants...

For those of you however that are younger than 55, GRAB YOUR ANKLES!!!

Yes, worse with time... See, I'm going to be the president for 4 more years.

Either the President is being intentionally dishonest, or people didn't do an honest job of explaining the system.


Uh, would could ask higher wage earners to pay FICA on their entire wages, instead of pretending no one makes more than $85,000... Nah.

The Generals look pretty in the front row.

What is good for the Democrats is most of what he is listing as Social Security Reforms sound like complicated Economic babble that not even he understands... People don't care, they just don't want anyone to fuck with it.

Denny Hastert is about to cry...

I need to start timestamping these things...

2037 Privatization! Private Accounts! Personal Accounts! Get me a pollster!

2028 He wants us to build a nest egg! Oh, but he doesn't tell you that your money will be in the stock market, but you don't get to to decide what stocks it is invested in.

2029 The government cannot take it away. I thought the republicans believed the private sector could always do better than government? Why would I want the government to manage my mutual fund?

2030 Ah Federal Employees! An example for us all!

2031 Marriage is Sacred. If gay people get married you children WILL DIE!!!

2032 Oh, there's the idea of messing with the constitution. I knew I would find you.

2032 NIH!!! WHOO HOO!

2032 No stems cells for you! Uh, tell that to the kids with cancer and paralysis.

2033 Always Ethical!!

2033 He doesn't want judges legislating from the bench. Tell that to his federal Judicial Nominees.

2034 Every Nominee deserves an up or down vote!!! (Unless Clinton nominated them.)

2035 Wow... the president wants Gang Members to respect women and reject violence. Every crip should report to their nearest police station and claim you copy of Men are from Mars Women are from Venus.

2036 At least the President is against AIDS. (As long as you're not from Africa.)

2036 Rep. Ford!!

2037 Double sure we don't convict innocent people. And if we might execute innocent people, Alberto Gonzales will make sure we don't know it.

2038 I promise children will be Free of Fear!!! Uh... by overhauling the CIA.

2039 Thanks Policemen and Firemen... Oh especially those of you in Washington D.C. who used you Homeland Security budget to pay for inauguration Security.

2040 We will keep killing Brown People everywhere there is sand and until they figure out that we've won.

2041 Why is the President proposing giving our fighting men and women the tools for victory. Shouldn't we have done that a couple of years ago?

2042 The President's Tie is very red

2042 Oh, we're going to build a coalition to defeat the dangers of our time. International Pretzel Brigade, move out!

2043 The force of Human Freedom... Unless you're a prisoner in Texas... Or Iraq...

2044 George Bush wants to end tyranny in our World. We need to start at home.

2044 Uh, we did force our form of government on other people, asshole.

2045 Smiling Afghan woman... HOT!

2045 CONDI!

2045 Coming to a country near you! It's the Bushapalooza tour. If you don't like it, we'll bomb the hell out of you.

2046 America plans to do a lot for a country who apparently can't afford Social Security.

2046 Morocco! Home of Tyranny!

2047 democracy? Egypt will show us the way!

2047 Paging Dr. Orwell! Weapons of Mass Murder?

2048 Hey Syria... We're going to threaten you but don't call our bluff because we don't have the money or the man power to do anything about it.

2048 Same goes for you Iran.

2049 The President just told Iran to Overthrow their government. I think they learned enough watching us let the Kurds get killed in Iraq 13 years ago.

2050 Tay-Ron.

2050 Sieg Heil!! Blue Finger! Sieg Heil!! We love Der Furher! Blue Finger!

2051 Let the families of the soldiers that have been killed by insurgents tell you how weak they are.

2051 Voting is a civic REPSONSIBILITY. Unless you're a democrat in Ohio or Florida.

2052 Did you see him try an pronounce that name?

2054 Remember this night when Iraq break out into Civil War.

2055 More capable Iraqi Security Forces? Isn't this the same speech from last year? Oh, we didn't get around to it.

2056 Freedom in Iraq will make America safer. Going back to history... Oh that's right. Iraq was never a threat to us. Ever.

2057 The terruahists can wait us out, dumbass. They're never going to stop trying to get us to leave. And if someone was occupying the United States, we wouldn't stop either.

2058 Errrrg.. Troops Good... Democrats Bad.... Errrrrg

2058 The volunteers of our Military... what about the ones that are no longer volunteers? Like, the ones who have fulfilled their commitment and want out but cannot get out?

2059 Watch out for it... He's about to attempt buy off the families of everyone Killed In Action... $400,000 for everybody!

2059 I killed your son. No one's sure why. We've changed our reasons 4 or 5 times. Take a bow Mrs. Norwood.

2101 Large Events? Like the Superbowl? Oh, times of sorrow. You mean the Orange Bowl.

2101 I'm a part of his great Venture?

2102 FDR. Sure. I'm going to start saying the Democrats are the party of Lincoln.

2102 No, Thank you Mr. President.

initial thought. The Purple Fingers seemed a little too Nazi for me.

2103 Lieberman just kissed the President. Will Chairman Dean drum him out of the party? Please?

Ok, Russert is verbally wanking right now... so I am going to take a while to digest what I have just seen.

Don't expect praises.

-The Oklahoma Hippy

1 comment:

  1. did you just mock a woman who lost a son in a war she herself thought was noble?

    that's a little too much, even from you, yo. That's awful bitter. You've become the Pat Buchanan of the Left.
