Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Porter Goss is the loser I always suspected him to be...

Porter Goss thinks being Director of Central intelligence is tuff stuff. Really Porter? Look, it's not supposed to be easy, but admitting publicly that you are in way over your head as DCI is dangerous.

Since every foreign intelligence service has read this, I guess it's only fair you get a chance.

From the AP:

SIMI VALLEY, Calif. (AP) - In a rare public appearance Wednesday, CIA Director Porter Goss said he is overwhelmed by the many duties of his job, including devoting five hours out of every day to prepare for and deliver intelligence briefings to President Bush.

"The jobs I'm being asked to do, the five hats that I wear, are too much for this mortal," Goss said. "I'm a little amazed at the workload."

Goss praised Bush's choice for the new job of national intelligence director, John Negroponte. The career diplomat, who is expected to be confirmed by the Senate, will take over several of the duties currently assigned to Goss, including the presidential briefing.

Uh, this is not the kind of thing about which you want to admit having difficulties squeezing into your day.

-The Oklahoma Hippy

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