On March 17th and 18th, "The Family Research Council" headed by Tony Perkins hosted a conference in Washington attended by James Dobson founder of "Focus on the Family." (How does the Religious Right keep all these "family" groups straight and is it a coincidence that la Cosa Nostra is alternately known as "La Famiglia"?) This event was addressed by both Bill Frist and Tom DeLay.
Described as a "closed door" meeting, security was apparently limited to closing the doors because someone was wired...
The resultant tape found it's way to the advocacy group "Americans United for Separation of Church and State" who in turn handed it to the LA Times.Evangelical Christian leaders, who have been working closely with senior Republican lawmakers to place conservative judges in the federal courts, have also been exploring ways to punish sitting jurists and even entire courts viewed as hostile to their cause.
An audio recording obtained by the Los Angeles Times features two of the nation's most influential evangelical leaders, at a private conference with supporters, laying out strategies to rein in judges, such as stripping funding from their courts in an effort to hinder their work. [emphasis added]
Hold the phone! I thought the courts were in crisis! Benches vacant as demonic liberals held up appointments. Justice not only blind but running wayyyyyy late. Now the American Taliban wants to wipe out whole Circuits."Very few people know this, that the Congress can simply disenfranchise a court," Dobson said. "They don't have to fire anybody or impeach them or go through that battle. All they have to do is say the 9th Circuit doesn't exist anymore, and it's gone. [emphasis added]"
Look, these guys want what's coming to them.The remarks by Perkins and Dobson reflect the passion felt by Christians who helped fuel Bush's reelection last year with massive turnout in battleground states, and who also spurred Republican gains in the Senate and House.Dobson goes on to claim victim status (as these guys always do when held accountable) behind the Sponge Bob Homopants controversy he brought upon himself. It's the liberal press trying to tear him down, you see. And they're not done yet. In a stunning example of self-fulfilling prophecy, he laments:
Claiming a role by the movement in the GOP gains, Dobson concluded: "We've got a right to hold them accountable for what happens here."
Both leaders chastised what Perkins termed "squishy" and "weak" Republican senators who have not wholeheartedly endorsed ending Democrats' power to filibuster judicial nominees. They said these included moderates such as Sens. Olympia J. Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine, Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska. They also grumbled that Sens. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and George Allen of Virginia needed prodding.
"We need to shake these guys up," Perkins said.
Said Dobson: "Sometimes it's just amazing to me that they seem to forget how they got here." [emphasis added]"This will not be the last thing that you read about that makes me look ridiculous."The Times article tends to focus on Dobson and Perkins. The Americans United website, though, has Frist and DeLay's addresses on streaming audio. They introduce them this way:House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) addressed attendees and pledged that Republican leaders in Congress would work to implement the Religious Right's controversial political agenda.Give a listen.
These people want a Theocracy, and after 25 years of electing Republicans to office and watching them cater to corporate interestes above those of the Radical Christian Right they are calling the bill due.
It's time to fight them, because the current leadership of the Republican Party will allow themselves to be morhphed into the "American Taliban" just to hang on to power. It's time to act.
-The Oklahoma Hippy
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