From the one and only Logic Monkey:
the Logic Monkey said...
"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you... I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism." (The News-Sentinal, Fort Wayne, Ind., 8/16/93)"
Yes, hatred is a very good thing. Hate has a proper place- the hatred of evil. God, the Prince of Peace Himself, commanded the Jews to totally exterminate the Caananites, who sacraficed[sic] their babies and children in the fires of Moloch.
Jesus is not tolerant of the devil or evil and neither should we be.
Likewise, no one wanted to be "tolerant" of Hitler. Churchill vowed to fight them on the beaches and in the hedgrows-
John Brown was not tolerant of the sin of slavery.
I refuse to be "tolerant" of abortionists, pagans, gnostics, Peter Singer' and all those who bow before Satan.
I really want to get into Logic Monkey's good graces, so I guess I need to stop aborting children and bowing before Satan... Oh and being an apologist for Hitler, and Peter Singer.
To be honest, I hadn't ever heard of Peter Singer until Logic Monkey mentioned him, but I did go to his website, and I know now why (il)Logic Monkey hates him.
From Peter Singer's Website:
My work is based on the assumption that clarity and consistency in our moral thinking is likely, in the long run, to lead us to hold better views on ethical issues.
Peter Singer! What a bastard!
-The Oklahoma Hippy
You've never heard of Peter Singer? First George Will and now Peter Singer. When will the madness end?!
ReplyDeleteOh, btw, I agree that "tolerance" is a red herring. The Left is always talking about how the Right needs to be more tolerant, but in reality, the Left wants the Right to be specifically tolerant of Leftist values and intolerant of Rightist values. Example, the Left has no tolerance for homophobia, or as the right calls it, Bible-reading. Likewise, the Left has very little tolerance for conservative moral values, or as the Right calls it, Bible-reading.
ReplyDeletehmmmm. pattern here?
The Koran has very little tolerance for infidels... if you interpret it that way.
ReplyDeletePeter Singer is a bastard!
ReplyDeletePeter Singer: Architect of the Culture of Death
A Defense of Genocide
What’s love got to do with it: The ethical contradictions of Peter Singer
Of course, these articles are from A catholic web site- so you'd dismiss them out of hand, naturally.
Logic Monkey,
ReplyDeleteYou make so many generalizations about me personally, which is not really necessary, since I have always willingness to engage in any discussion. Do I dismiss these because they are from Catholic sites. I respect the Catholic Church because of the consistancy of their views.
When the Catholics talk about a Culture of Life, they mean it. No hypocrisy there.
No War.
No Abortion.
No Death Penalty.
Good for them.
-The Oklahoma Hippy
I should also add that I don't give a crap about what Peter Singer has to say on any subject at all.
ReplyDeleteWhen my day off rolls around on Friday, I will read the links you gave me. Happily So.
But, really. I don't care a thing about how Peter Singer views anything. He doesn't speak for me. I didn't even know who he was.
I am always willing to learn something new though, so I will have a gander at your links and some of Singer's writings.
I'll let you know my thoughts when I'm done.
-The Oklahoma Hippy
"The Koran has very little tolerance for infidels... if you interpret it that way."
ReplyDeleteuh ok. I'm not sure what your comment means. Just cuz Fundamentalist Muslims believe something, it doesn't mean the belief is automatically wrong. They believe in God - In fact, it's supposed to be the same God as the Judeo-Xtian one. Does that mean that we should dismiss God because Muslims belive in him? nope.
This is also very similar to the "the Nazis did it too" argument that you seem to give so little credence to, then turn around and do yourself. (see your posts re: White House Press Office).
In addition, the Catholic Church does not have a "no war" policy. They have a "no unjust war" policy. In fact, the Cath church itself cannot unilaterally and officially declare any particular war an unjust war. It can however present its reasons for believing that a war is unjust to the relevant heads of state.
As a conclusion, "intolerance" is necessary for the functioning of any society - We cannot tolerate premeditated murder in cold blood nor can we tolerate rape. In fact, when we do tolerate em, we consider it a great travesty to justice and decry the breakdown of our society - all because important people were too tolerant of clear wrongs.
The question then becomes, "What is 'wrong'?" For the left, anything on the Right is wrong. For the Theo-cons, the Bible determines what is wrong.
Me being a theo con and you being an extreme Lefty, our camps are clear.
You missed my entire point, and when I don't have to rush off to work, I will make it more clearly. Despite the harpy tone you take in your last post, the case is we actually agree for the most part.
ReplyDeleteDid I say we should dismiss God? Did I say that the rights is always wrong? So, just to point out the absurdity of what you have just posted, I say the following.
You will not be happy until all the people who do not fit into your narrow view of a "believer" has either been converted or is in prision, leaving you free to turn this country into a complete theocracy.
Now, is that true? Nope. Did you say that? Nope. But that doesn't seem to matter any more, does it?
At this point, I actually have no idea what you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteYou lost me at "hello."