Thursday, June 23, 2005

Adios, MoFo...

No, despite how it sounds this isn't more digging at Logic Monkey.

These words are from Governor Rick Perry of Texas...

His poll numbers haven't been too hot of late, and he really didn't help himself with this little remark.

Click here to see what happened.


Adios, Mofos.

-The Oklahoma Hippy


  1. Listen up you obstreperous little fart! You think you’re so “intelligent” and “insightful” criticizing men like Rick Perry, Karl Rove, and Tom Delay. Moron! I’ve been monitoring this verbal vomiting trough of yours and I have a few things to say.

    1. Shut up. Stop talking and writing immediately. No one needs this vile spew.
    2. "Lern" how to read.
    3. Be loyal to your country and YOUR President.

    Think you know all about the world Hippy? Bah! I’ve been to college, I’m not intimidated by you. Giving that poor Logic Monkey all that crap because YOURE so smart and YOURE so tolerant and YOU don’t want to kill Muslims or abortion doctors. Socialist. I got news for you I wont back off like that Logic guy. So bring it on jackass.

    ---What's the difference between a Democrat and a prostitute? The prostitute gives value for the money she takes.

