Tuesday, June 21, 2005

For those of you who still feel sorry for old Illogic Ape...

Enjoy this classic from March 25th of this year:

Friday, March 25, 2005
Into battle

You may have noticed some more comments than usual. Fine- let them snark away. The more you talk, boys, the more you expose who you are.

Now, onto some thoughts-

1. If you pull a gun- kill a man, otherwise known as the "don't cry wolf" maxim. I've been thinking about it a lot recently as regards the left. Bush is Hitler, Bush stole the election, the religious right is the American Taliban, blah blah blah....well, if that is true then why doesn't the left actually do something abot it? I mean, something more than just staging yet another stupid protest march in which a bunch of paper machie puppets block traffic in mainly liberal cities. As I have said many times- staging a protest in New York City is nothing- let those little shits pull that in any rural town in the this country and let's see how long they last.

No, really- if Bush is that bad, just voting him out of office isn't good enough. Remember his finger is on the nukes button. If Bush is really as bad as you say, I think it's your moral obligation to kill him and everyone who votes Republican. If you don't think it's your duty to kill us, then stop saying such horrible things about us.

2. The Left and Religion. Gee, it's really quite funny to hear lefties sneer about how religious people are "sheep" out of one side of their mouth, and then, out of the other, claim to care that we are being "used". How goddam condescending can you be? Do you all really think that conservative Christians are so stupid? Oh, wait, yes you do. I blame that vile "What's the matter with Kanas" book. Look, if you hate us, hate us- don't pretend to care about us.

So, by identifying this guy to the world, I accepted his challenge. He claims that if he's as bad as I think, then he needs to be killed. I highly doubted that. I thought it would take much less to get the better of him.

Violence doesn't solve anything. His assertation that it was a moral obligation to kill those with whom you had a stark ideological difference was clearly absurd.

I did feel that someone who said such things ought to be held accountable. So I did so.

That's how it is. Everything in life has consequences. He acted as if that wasn't true. I showed him what the consequences could be. He recoiled in horror.

I find it sad an pathetic that someone could spend two years of their life spreading hate, feel so suddenly ashamed the moment their name is put to their behavior.

I made him look in the mirror.

-The Oklahoma Hippy

PS. If you click the title of the post, it will link you to what I quoted via Google's cache.

1 comment:

  1. This guy has obivous psychological problems. He must have not been loved very much in his life. He sounds angry and violent. Is it sad that there are people in this country that have so much hate in there hearts for fellow Americans? It disgusts me! I wonder if the people in his life know what he really is?
