So, I am going to highlight some of it here on occasion, just for fun. Think of it as a blog version of the Daily Show's Greeat Moments in Punditry as Read by Children.
Enjoy the first installment:
We drop in on a discussion about Flag Burning.
Someone named Crash Daily had the following to say:
There are limits and we choose where those limits should be. Protecting our symbols of our nation and the incredible sacrifices our young men and women have made to make this nation, to maintain this nation and to protect our freedoms is not some kind of slippery slope. Any self respecting nation shouldn't allow the burning of its' flag or constitution.
To which James Young replied:
Unsurprisingly, you continue to confuse the symbol with the practices of that which it symbolizes. Those young men and women died defending freedom, not the flag. Why even bother to defend something only to take it away? BTW, far too many young men and women died not even protecting freedom but merely making rich men richer, c.f. Vietnam, Iraq 2003-2005.
Not unreasonable I guess.
Ah, but then comes in Storment:
James, of course you would not understand that to soldiers the flag is more than a symbol of freedom, to soldiers the flag is a living, holy, reverant non-abstract physical object that transends politics, religion, socio-economic issues. I believe you only understand the deeper meaning of old glory, by defending it, by wearing it on your uniform, knowing that when the vast majority of peoples in foreign nations see it, you instantly gain their respect and admiration. Knowing that old glory on your shoulder, sometimes keeps you alive in hostile situations.
James, you are like most liberals I know...always willing to give your insight (exercise your free speech rights), always willing to be critical of the force it takes (our military might) to ensure our and hundreds of million of other peoples freedoms are defended, always willing to sacrifice funds to protect freedom (defense budgets) in favor instead of distributing those same funds to some minority (numbers...not race) issue you have championed; but never willing to toe the line, sign-up, ship out, turn the rivets, or God forbid, bleed or spill the blood of others in defense of our freedoms. James, you take, but do not give. You are a parasite of freedom. You latch on to freedom of speech and assembly and the rights of all men, but do absolutely NOTHING to support those freedoms. Sure you pay taxes, sure you vote, I'm sure you're probably a nice guy and a good citizen...but in my eyes, because you bitch about going to war (justly or not) that has developed into a crusade to free oppressed people, because you bitch about defense spending that have caused budget deficits, because you bitch about soldiers not having proper equipment (but don't lift a***** finger to go out an buy some trooper the body armor he needs, or become an activist to ensure the troops are well equiped)...your like a***** leech, James. I'm sick of liberals like yourself James, you have absolutely no***** rights to criticize anything this country does regarding freedoms or civil've never contributed James. How sad it must be one day, when you look back on your life, and realize you've ridden the bench your entire***** life. Isn't it great to know James, that the young men and women who are fighting and dying in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Phillipines, Columbia, and other exotic locations all across the world are doing so for you James...someone who has held them (and the mission they BELIEVED IN and died for) in contempt and fought to undermine their very well being. You voice your free speach (a right they've given you) to undermine their safety and the very mission they are fighting for. James, liberals like yourself make my stomach turn. Everytime I am out in public and hear some pansy such as yourself go off on "Bush's Illegal War" or how the guards at Abu Ghraib and Quantanamo Bay are a bunch of thugs....I just want kick your ass! You don't understand a***** thing about freedoms...but then, my anger subsides, when I remind myself that it is our brave soldiers who have given you the right to free expression, and I'll be*****ed, if I would ever lift a hand to desecrate any sacrifice they have made for any citizen...even a pansy like yourself James.
Go ahead, James, feel free to rip me open, tell me what a facist I am, and blah, blah, liberal bull****, blah! I'll take being a facist any day of the week over being a non-contributor, liberal pansy, parasitic freedom leech such as yourself...I am done even reading your bull****.
For all the real American, non-parasites on the board, I am truly sorry if I offended you with my rant on Jimmy Boy...I'm fed up with his and the liberal pansies bull****. I'm too tired of getting news of friends being buried in the ground and draped by our flag to listen to his or any other liberals bull****, and will not allow them to spit on the graves of my friends and all other soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and all the thousands of iraqi and afghani citizens who have given their lives in pursuit of freedom.
You believe in voicing your freedoms of speech and expression so much James, go sign up...they'll take you. Of course, I doubt you have the intestinal fortitude (hell, I'll call it like I see it....I doubt you have the balls) James, to make it past week two of basic training.
My favorite part about Republican rhetoric of late and on this board specifically is how often the argument boils down to a form of "you're a pussy."
If you want to stare into the glass cage yourself, you can find the link to this thread here.
-The Oklahoma Hippy
I think Storment has a very valid rant!
ReplyDeleteI think Storment needs to take his meds.