Sunday, August 14, 2005

Miss me?

Sorry I've been gone. I'll explain why soon.

In the meantime, Six Feet Under tonight goes after the heart of right-wing America and wins.


-The Oklahoma Hippy

Update: About half way through the episode the writers bait Rick Santorum. They intentionally pressed the drama. Imagine the reaction you would get if you insulted a drag queen's shoes. That's the reaction they're trying to draw out of the Republicans. Let's see if it works.


  1. Welcome back, dude. Oklahoma needs more folks like you.

  2. lol- its totally working ahhhhhhhh! Six Feet Under has vanquished meeeee..............

  3. Oh, and I'm not into the top of the blog, it takes too long to scroll down to the actual post. I think it worked better with just the title at top and the links n such on the side.
