Wednesday, November 2, 2005

A Pie Fight...

Thanks to Howard Kurtz for point out this Billmon Post:

Billmon enjoys the spectacle over at his Whiskey Bar:

"In some ways, the reaction of the GOP grandees was an even bigger treat than watching the Democratic jellyfish rear up on its hind tentacles and sting someone. Outside of a nursery school, I don't know if I've ever heard such a chorus of crying and whining from a bunch of babies before. The Republicans have been in power so long now they've started to take on the pompous self-righteousness of those who believe power is their due . . .

"But, GOP sob stories notwithstanding, it really was a remarkable outbreak of minority uppityness. The Gingrich gang used to pull stuff like this all the time when the Dems controlled the House (if Pelosi tried the same tactics now, I think Hastert would probably have her taken outside and shot) but the Senate is still the world's most exclusive men's club and isn't supposed to have its feathers ruffled this way. It's like a pie fight breaking out at the Vatican."

A pie fight in the Vatican... That's excellent imagery.

-The Oklahoma Hippy

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