Wednesday, August 16, 2006

When did Capitalism become synonymous with Christianity?

This couldn't be more right...


Not true. The Bible doesn't support multi-national capitalist companies. Rather it says greed is a sin (1 Corinthians 6:10). The Bible doesn't support the notion that we all deserve to have big cars, big houses, and even bigger churches in which to worship. In fact, gluttony is a sin (Proverbs 28:7). The Bible doesn't even say we should oppose taxes. Christ told his followers to pay them (Mark 12:17).

And, in a part of the Bible that most donation-driven Fundamentalists seem to ignore, in the very first Christian church, conservative Capitalism was not the rule of the day. The first church was pure Communism. In Acts 2:44-45 we read "All who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need." Sounds a lot like Karl Marx's famous statement about Communism when he wrote that it would take "from each according to his ability to each according to his need." In the beginning, the Christian Church stood for equality and the redistribution of wealth, not for huge churches and even bigger so-called Christian broadcasting networks that spend millions of dollars in donated funds on five-star-hotel-quality buildings and even fancier satellite networks.


-The Oklahoma Hippy


  1. Now this is a topic for deep discussion,though for what?
    It's like discussing stolen bases
    in high school ball on one hand,
    but then the leagues are'nt going around trying to foist their beleifs about baseball on the rest of the populace either.
    Tha sad bit that goes unrecognised
    mostly is the enforcement wings of the largest church governments.
    Much is made of the right-wing think-tanks but how many know that
    most are based third-party and dummy organisations originating from the so-called universities and the strategies forwarded to the top echelons through lobbyist'?
    Liberty College,ORU,Bob Jones,Rice,Texas Christian and of course the illustrious Rev. Moon
    all channel tactics,poll numbers and yes Virginia, billions of dollars all for the sake of posturing and persuading
    our leaders to consider their own interests before the very flock they pretend to serve.
    I will para-phrase the late Frank Zappa here in his testimony before congress"If You are looking to remove corruption from government
    then start taxing the churches."

  2. Hot off the wire from Fox News,2933,209956,00.html
