The hippie generation was taught the inevitability of the atom bomb. They were in their tween years during the Cuban missile crisis. Though their parents had constantly told them that things would never be any better than they were right then, and sure though they were that they lived in the greatest nation that had ever existed in the history of the world, these children lived in fear of the moment that the would be instantly incinerated in a torrent of nuclear fire. It only rubbed salt in this wound to have their intelligence insulted by being told at school that when the nuclear fury of godless communists finely visited it’s wrath upon their city and their school, they would know exactly how to hide under their desks.
Duck and Cover guys. Duck and Cover.
I was one of those kids; we also received a civil defense book about surviving a nuclear war. Gotta say, I never felt that much fear...then I saw "Failsafe" on TV around 1968, 1969...That scared the hell outta me!