Wednesday, March 30, 2005

What we've learned...

I bring this to you from Various Sources:

18 Things We Learned From the Schiavo case:

1. Jeb Bush, George W. Bush, and Tom Delay are all world renowned
2. 22 successive court battles that all ended in exactly the same way
means there is something wrong with the courts, not the Schindler's case.
3. Michael Schiavo is after money which is why he turned down 1 million
dollars and 10 million dollars to sign over guardianship.
4. Congress and the State Legislature of Florida has nothing better to do than pry into the private medical affairs of others.
5. Pulling life support is bad in Florida when authorized by the legal
next-of-kin, but pulling life support is good in Texas when you run out of money and the mother pleads not to pull the plug on her baby.
6. Medical diagnoses are best performed by watching highly edited
videotape made by Randall Terry rather than in person by trained physicians.
7. Minimum wage making nursing assistants are more qualified to diagnose a persistent vegetative state than experienced neurologists.
8. Cerebral spinal fluid is a magical potion that can mimic the entire functions of a missing cerebral cortex.
9. 15 years in the same persistent state is not really enough time to
make an accurate diagnosis.
10. A feeding tube that infuses yellow nutritional goop is not really
"life support".
11. Jesus was wrong when he said that a man and woman should leave their parents and cleave only to each other.
12. Marriage is the most sacred of all unions, except when it isn't.
13. Interfering in a family's private tragedy is a great reason to cut short a vacation, but getting a memo that warns a known terrorist is
determined to strike inside the US is cause to relax and finish up some R&R.
14. Pro-lifers are really compassionate people, which is why they are hoping that Michael Schiavo dies a horrible, painful death.
15. The Supreme Court of the United States and the State Supreme Court
of Florida mean "Maybe" when they are saying "No!".
16. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a bleeding heart liberal.
17. 7 Supreme Court Justices were appointed by Republican Presidents, so it's obviously Clinton's fault.
18. A judge who makes rulings based on the law is obviously an atheist,
liberal, democratic activist even though he is a Conservative,
Republican, Southern Baptist.


-The Oklahoma Hippy


  1. Came to your site from the Daily Kos and I must say....good blog! And about this post in particular.....Too damn funny.....and too damn TRUE!

  2. BTW, RN's, like the ones that have testified to Terri's condition, are highly paid and are only one step lower in training than a doctor. You accuse me of "slinging invectives" but all your husbands arguments amount to is denigrating everyone that disagrees with him as some sort of lower class dummy. If it is anyone not using reasoning it is him.
